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We care about the planet


To achieve eco-friendly practices, Cesthetics prioritizes sustainability and environmental responsibility throughout entire production process

not only on caring for you through our products but also on caring for the planet with every effort we make.

To achieve eco-friendly practices, Cesthetics prioritizes sustainability and environmental responsibility throughout entire production process.

Our eco-friendly practices

Responsible sourcing policy

raw materials

Source raw materials and ingredients from sustainable and renewable sources. This includes using organic, natural, and biodegradable components whenever possible.

Green Packaging

Opt for eco-friendly packaging materials, such as recycled, biodegradable, or reusable packaging options. Minimize excessive packaging and focus on reducing waste.


Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency: Implement energy-efficient practices in manufacturing facilities and opt for renewable energy sources wherever feasible. This includes using energy-efficient machinery and lighting.


Waste Reduction

Strive to minimize waste generation during production and implement recycling programs to manage waste responsibly.

Eco-friendly Formulations

Develop product formulations that are free from harmful chemicals, toxins, and pollutants. Use ingredients that are safe for both consumers and the environment.


Transparent Labelling

Clearly communicate the eco-friendly features of products to consumers through labeling and marketing materials.


Working towards circular economy

We select the most sustainable options for our packagings, choosing natural, recycled and reusable materials that reduce the environmental footprint of our products (i.e. reduction in energy, water and raw material consumption.)

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